Saturday, January 29, 2011

Friday 1/28/11

Regular school day today- not even a delayed opening! And it was like a sheet of ice outside! But I was glad to drop the kids off as I had alot of errands to run! First I walked, then I ran to Target, TRU and Walmart and Poof! it was time to pick up Thomas! He had another basketball game tonight against another Deptford team and we got killed again. We just can't score any baskets!!! I feel bad for Ron because he never wanted to coach basketball but the woman who is our coach is clueless about the game so Ron stepped up to help out and 1 of the parents had some words with him tonight :( Ron was upset the rest of the night, not about the loss but about the stupid fight. Well, when we got home we decided to watch The Incredibles together and it was 11:00 by the time it got over and we all went right to bed. It was a long week and I was exhausted!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thursday 1/27/11

Another SNOW DAY!!! The phone rang at 5:00 and then I couldn't go back to sleep! Ugh! I guess I eventually did and then around 7:00 the kiddies crawled into bed with me. Thomas was the first one to ask about school being canceled and I lied and told him it was a 1 hour delay. I'm mean like that. But he was happy once I old him the truth. We got about 15 inches overnight and it was so bad Ron couldn't even get out of the driveway! So he did some work from home while we waited for the twp to plow our court. Even after they came through he got stuck again and Doug's son came over and had to give him a push. But then he got to work ok which is all that matters. He told me not to go anywhere and so we didn't even leave the house all day. I kept asking the kids if they wanted to go outside but they were busy playing and didn't feel like going out. After lunch I had turned off the tv and said "no more blobbing!! you guys have to DO something!!" and so they invented an adorable game of pet store with their webkinz. While they were playing I was busy cleaning Thomas' room and going thru his clothes and packing him for Disney! So even though I didn't go anywhere today I still managed to get a lot done!

Weds 1/26/11

Well we woke up to surprise snow this morning! Not much of the white stuff but enough to make things very slushy. Done said it was like driving thru mashed potatoes LOL surprisingly they did nit delay school and after I got rid of the kids I went for a walk at the mall. Then I spent way too much tine shopping the huge clearance sale at JCP!! but I got some great deals including leg warmers for Annie which she loved!! I needed some groceries but I learned my lesson last week that it's not a good idea to go to a grocery store the day before a snowstorm so I went shopping at target instead, again spent way too much tome there!!I had to rush home in order to get sone TGI work done before it was time to get the boy. In the meantime I found out that basketball and gymnastics were canceled so we had a quiet night ahead. After dinner we just goofed off- Ron and Thomas played Metroid (and they cheated every time they got stuck) while Annie gave me a little makeover. We ended this wonderful night with our normal nightly bedtime routine- singing Old MacDonald HAd a Farm. The kids think it's hilarious o try and trip me up by naming an unusual animal or person to see what I will do. For example- old MacDonald had a ~~~~ mouse EIEIO. With a ? ? Here and a ?? There..... What do you say for mouse? I dunno so I make something up and they giggle :o)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tuesday 1/25/11

Normal Tuesday morning today- art cleaning TGI. I walked to pick up Thomas today since it was finally above freezing for the first time in 3 weeks!! When Annie got off the bus today she begged me if she could have a play date with Marin and she wanted to call her herself. So I dialed the phone and then Annie made her first ever phone call!! First of many I'm sure!! They didn't talk long though. It was just "do you want to come over? Yeah ok bye." It was cute!
After dinner Thomas was cute because he saw there were 3 bananas left and he knows I need 3 to make banana muffins and Ron usually eats a banana after dinner so Thomas yelled at him not to eat a banana. So while Ron took Thomas to basketball practice I made him chocolate chip banana muffins. When Thomas came home he smelled it right away and was very happy- I think he did a fist pump !! His exuberance totally makes it worthwhile!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Mon 1/24/11

I hate Mondays but today was a good day. Walk this morning at the mall then shopping then work and laundry. Same old, same old. after school we had to eat dinner right away because we had to run over to drop my car off so that the tires could get rotated in advance of our upcoming Disney trip. But instead of Ron taking Thomas to the sand lot as planned the boys decided to pay hookey and that's what made it a good day :) we went to the mall and had a great night together. I wanted to get myself and Annie new sneakers for Disney which we did and then we went to the food court and the kids got ice cream cones. We laughed about the time Thomas almost did an "elf" on the escalator. Annie was so cute at the shoe store~~ she picked out a pair of sparkly rainbow shoes and then saw a different style and said "I can't decide- it's too hard. I HAVE to have them both!!!" LOL meanwhile her brother wanted to kill her for taking time to decide because he HATES to shop!! He said " just pick one so we can go!!". In the end she bought the rainbow sparkly ones which are her first pair of shoelace shoes!! But she already learned how to tie just by watching her friends at school! Amazing!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sun 1/23/11

My dad turned. ?? Today.
UGH I ha. Terrible night of sleep! I ate too much cake at the party and got up around 4:00 not feeling well so I went downstairs to sleep in the chair instead oflayinf down. Thankfully when I got up at 10 I was feeling much better. Pop pop came over and had breakfast us then played monopoly jr with the kids before doing his Sunday cemetery run. Then Ron and Thomas played metroid while I cleaned up from last nights party. I look around online for a while for vanities again and then we went to hone depot o on could see what they offer fir himself we were there so long Thomas thougbhisvedwas gonna explode!! Lol even though we can't get exactly what we want without special ordering it, we think we found something we n agree to settle on. Then we ad to go o JCP because I had a coupon that was gonna expire and I wanted to get Annie new shoes but they weren't having a good sale on shoes so we made Thomas try on sone pants and jeans nd by now e was really frustrated with all he shopping and wanted to o hone. So on our way home we stopped at Wendy's and the kids got frostys for being somewhat good while w shopped. Thevrest of the night was in front of the tv for foot all playlets while I researched more vanity info and Annie wanted to draw. Before bed Ron and I helpedvte kids clean their rooms!!! They needed it-bad!

Sat 1/22/11

Emma woke up all smiles this mornn which was a relief! We ate breakfast and then Ron had to take Annie to gymnastics for a make up class. When he got back we headed o Lowes to check out bathroom vanities. I really want to redo our downstairs bathroom since I'm working now and we have some extra money but I can't find exactly what I want and I've been looking and looking and looking!! Of course we didn't find anything and then we headed home to clean up the house sine we were having people over later for ame night. The mcgraths and the lloyds came over for dinner and some fun. we played Disney scene it all together and then the kids played while the adults enjoyed sone adult fun. Patti brought a real bottle of wine- Pinot gregio which we both thought was disgusting but Ron drank alot of it and liked it. Don sucked down a million bud light limes on his own. It was a great night but then right at the end everyone started melting down so next time I think we should try to end te night a little earlier. And OMG Annie's room was such a disaster that you couldn't even see the carpet!! Mess = fun :) the way i look at it, the more mess the more fun was had!